【Sin Wai-Kin Distinguished Visiting Professorship in the Humanities】 Lecture Series
講者 Speaker:
冼為堅傑出訪問教授 (人文學科)
Professor Wang Fan-sen
Sin Wai-kin Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Humanities
Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Academician, Academia Sinica
王汎森教授研究的範圍以十五世紀以降到近代中國的思想、文化史為主。著有《章太炎的思想》、《古史辨運動的興起》、Fu Ssu-nien: A Life in Chinese History and Politics(《傅斯年:中國近代歷史與政治中的個體生命》)、《中國近代思想與學術的系譜》、《晚明清初思想十論》、《近代中國的史家與史學》、《權力的毛細管作用:清代的思想、學術與心態》、《執拗的低音:一些歷史思考方式的反思》、《思想是生活的一種方式》、《啟蒙是連續的嗎?》、《近世中國的輿論社會》等學術專書。
Prof. Wang Fan-sen is an historian specializing in the cultural-intellectual history of early modern and modern China (circa 1500 to 1930). He has written many significant works on the intellectual history of China from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty and the early republican era.
Prof. Wang Fan-sen received his Ph.D. from the East Asian Studies Department at Princeton University in 1993. He has taught at some universities throughout Taiwan including National Taiwan University and Qing-hua University. Prof. Wang served as Vice President and Acting President of Academia Sinica. He is currently serving as the Chancellor of Taiwan Comprehensive University System.
Prof. Wang Fan-sen has been the recipient of domestic and international awards. He was elected as Academician of Academia Sinica in 2004 and a Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute of History & Philology (IHP) of Academia Sinica in 2005. He was also awarded the Outstanding Scholar Award Winner by the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship. In 2005, he was elected as Fellow of the Royal Historical Society of the United Kingdom.
The Long Nineteenth Century –
Intellectual Turmoil during the Late Qing Period
During the nineteenth century, the Qing dynasty entered an era of decline. Internal and external upheavals and challenges brought the country’s intellectual thoughts into a new framework. But conventional intellectual history often brushed aside such transformation.
This lecture series attempts to address such transformations, unveiling the clash of different ideologies and the obsession with neo-romanticism from specific topics.
第一講 Lecture 1
27/3/2024 (三 WED)
Intellectual Implosion: The Break-up of Intellectual Thought during the Late Qing Period
After the reign of Jiaqing and Daoguang, a couple of eminent Confucianist scholars gradually disagreed on the discussions of ‘Yin 隱 (implicit)’ and ‘Xian 顯 (explicit).’ The basis of knowledge pursuit also started to waver. Different interpretations already appeared for questions like ‘what is knowledge’, ‘what is Confucianism’, and ‘what is China’.
第二講 Lecture 2
12/4/2024 (五 FRI)
The ‘Zongfa’ Utopia during the Mid-Nineteenth Century
The literati believed that the main responsibility of the country was to ‘educate’ and ‘nurture’ the people. However, since the 1840s, some utopian beliefs started to emerge. Such beliefs contended that the country could no longer bear the responsibility of educating and nurturing the people. Instead, there should be ‘a large clan system’ based on the beliefs of ‘Zongfa’ to replace the role of ‘the country’.
第三講 Lecture 3
26/4/2024 (五 FRI)
Genius Loci:清末的一種政治浪漫主義
Genius Loci: A Form of Political Romanticism during the Late Qing Period
This lecture suggests that in the late Qing period, a new form of romanticism emerged, imbuing localities, places, and scenery with political meanings. This brought about a kind of non-negotiable strong political consciousnes.
第四講 Lecture 4
10/5/2024 (五 FRI)
The Two Major Intellectual Forces in Modern China
This lecture suggests that during the final period of the Qing dynasty, two major intellectual forces — the pursuit of strength at almost any cost and the notion of assisting the weak — were intertwined, in conflict, or at times even merged as a whole.
第五講 Lecture 5
24/5/2024 (五 FRI)
Scientific Concepts and Political Visions during the Late Qing Period
The usual understanding of contemporary political thoughts often centres on the discussion of specific political texts. This lecture emphasizes that, aside from the political thoughts that we are familiar with, there had been great transformation in the mindset and attitude towards politics. This included the political visions that resulted from various loose scientific concepts.
第六講 Lecture 6
7/6/2024 (五 FRI)
‘Historical’ and ‘Ahistorical’
During the last two decades of the Qing dynasty, a trend that sought to define what is ‘historical’ and what is ‘ahistorical’ emerged. Such differentiation not only determined the boundaries of historical scholarship. It also had real-world implications, similar to the British and French civilization theories of distinguishing between ‘civilization’, ‘savagery’, and ‘barbarism’, creating the basis of nineteenth-century Eurocentrism. This trend of thought encouraged the aggressiveness of the nation, arguing that only through such aggression could the nation become a historical entity that aligns with such spirit/essence, otherwise it would be considered pre-historical.
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Click here for the lecture series poster.
Event details are subject to change at the discretion of the Organisers without prior notice.
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