

The research carried out in the Faculty of Arts is highly diverse, both in terms of disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas of intellectual inquiry, and in the various outcomes and outlets of that research. These include the publication of books and learned articles, performances, recordings, curatorships, and the production of works of creative art. The case for the centrality of Arts research to the mission of a comprehensive university of high international standing rests on that variety, and on the ability of the Faculty's work to speak to the global academic community, and to the needs and interests of our own city and society.

Scholars in the Faculty, working in English and Chinese and other languages, contribute to knowledge in the fields of textual, historical, cultural and linguistic studies, philosophy and translation; colleagues in the Faculty also produce creative work in literary and musical form. We educate and train younger scholars in our challenging MPhil and PhD programmes, and welcome applications to these programmes from Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas. Dozens of research projects are being undertaken by teams or individuals in the Faculty, covering the full range of the humanities. Though the variety of our research work is an essential part of our character as an international scholarly community, we have also identified two particular areas of research strength - China-West Studies, and Language and Communication. Work in both these areas is undertaken across a number of Schools in the Faculty.

Main Building