Knowledge Exchange

Interdisciplinary KE Projects


The Faculty has 2 new, one-off Interdisciplinary KE projects supported by the Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange Project Fund. The fund aims to facilitate interdisciplinary KE projects that have the potential to create social, economic, environmental or cultural impacts for industry, business or the community by building on interdisciplinary research in the University, with priority to be given to cross-Faculty collaboration. The duration of each interdisciplinary KE project will be within 2 years.

List of Projects Supported under Interdisciplinary KE Project Fund (2019-2021)

Soundtecture: Density as Intensity


Co-Project Coordinators:

Professor Giorgio Biancorosso
Professor, School of Humanities (Music), Faculty of Arts

Mr. Thomas How Kheng Tsang
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture

HKU Team Member:
Dr. Deborah Waugh
Assistant Lecturer, School of Humanities (Music), Faculty of Arts

Summary Description:

The ​Soundtecture: Density as Intensity​ project brings together the Department of Architecture and Department of Music at The University of Hong Kong along with three leading KE partners in an exploration of the relationship between sound and architecture. The project combines musical and architectural expertise to deepen the understanding of the effects of Hong Kong’s extreme built environment on its sound ecology, create knowledge that will impact the conception and use of performing arts venues, and inspire the creation of new public artworks informed by the mutual implication of sound and architecture. Outcomes will include workshops, publications, new compositions, performances, and site-specific installations and public artworks.

Growing Legal Empathy: A Law and Literature Education Programme for Hong Kong Teenagers


Co-Project Coordinators:

Professor Janny Hiu Chi Leung
Professor, School of English, Faculty of Arts

Dr. Anya Adair

Assistant Professor, School of English, Faculty of Arts
Dr. Daniel Matthews

Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Faculty of Law

Summary Description:

This project targets secondary school students in Hong Kong from a range of socio-economic demographics. It aims to enable these teenagers to achieve new ways of understanding, articulating, and critiquing the legal structures and social issues of contemporary Hong Kong. This aim will be achieved by providing local education workshops, undertaking global outreach to design and promote new lesson structures, and constructing a publicly-available online database of teaching resources. The project will apply in a youth-education context the tools and methods of new directions in law and literature (in its linguistic, textual and aesthetic dimensions) developed by current interdisciplinary research at HKU.

List of Projects Supported under Interdisciplinary KE Project Fund (2016-2018)

Keep Alive Beacons on the Sea - Decoding Historic Lighthouses in Hong Kong and Nearby Ports

©Chensong Chen

Co-Project Coordinators:

Dr. P. A. Cunich
Associate Professor, Department of History, 
School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts

Dr. F. F. Ng
Associate Professor, Department of Real Estate and Construction, Faculty of Architecture

Summary Description:
This project aims to envisage historic lighthouses as an instrument to decoding the contemporary history of Hong Kong as a strategic port; a window to understand its port infrastructure, maritime technology and lighthouse keepers' life and culture; an emerging terrain for city branding and cultural heritage tourism; and a unifying force for evoking collective memory and enhancing community identity.

Lighthouse-themed knowledge gained from years of interdisciplinary and cross-territorial research will be disseminated to secondary school teachers and students, university undergraduates, lighthouse lovers, public policy makers and practitioners in tourism, and visitors for cultural heritage tours, via a tailored Digital Media Package (DMP) for Liberal Studies, public lectures, KE seminars, study tours and an Online Lighthouse Museum (OLM).

Sounding Architecture

Co-Project Coordinators: 

Dr. Jose Vicente Neglia
Assistant Professor, Department of Music, 
School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts

Thomas Tsang
Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, 
Faculty of Architecture

HKU Team Member:
Dr. Deborah Waugh
Teaching Associate, Department of Music,
School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts

Summary Description:
Sound and Space. Architecture and Music. Building as Instrument. This project aims to exchange knowledge between the Department of Architecture and the Department of Music in the design and production of new musical instruments as inspired by the theory and practice of architectural furniture; and to offer the public a different experience of musical performance and utilization of objects.

Working together across Arts, Medicine and Education: Enhancing genetic literacy in genetic counselling consultations

Co-Project Coordinators:

Dr. Olga Zayts 
Assistant Professor, School of English,
Faculty of Arts

Dr. Chung Hon-yin, Brian
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

Summary Description:
This project aims at investigating genetic literacy (existing vs. expected levels) among patients/ clients who have been diagnosed with or are at risk of a genetic disorder and who are making a decision about accepting/ declining genetic testing in genetic counselling consultations; the findings about genetic literacy will be consolidated in a web-based information and education resource for patients/ clients. The project also aims at contributing to professional practice by identifying and disseminating strategies of effective communication of genetic information for facilitating patients/ clients' decision-making; this will be achieved through micro-level analyses of an extensive data corpus of real-life audio/video-recorded genetic counselling consultations and other resources across different genetic conditions at several clinical sites.