
Research Highlights

Publications and Research Output

Arts Faculty scholars publish books with the leading university presses around the world, including Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, and Cambridge, and articles in the top periodicals, ranging from Nature to American Historical Review, Past and Present, and PMLA. Critical Zone: A Forum for Chinese and Western Knowledge, the Journal of Oriental Studies, and the literary journal Yuan Yang are edited in the Faculty.

Detailed lists of research outputs can be found in the University's Scholars Hub.

Success in GRF and ECS

Arts Faculty scholars are engaged in a number of RGC-funded projects. Follow the link for the lists of awards of General Research Fund (GRF) and Early Career Scheme (ECS).

Modern East Asian Literature Research Cluster

Modern East Asian Literature Research Cluster (MEAL) facilitates collaboration and scholarly exchange among scholars specializing in modern East Asian literature in the Faculty of Arts and the Society of Fellows at HKU. MEAL organizes seminar series, conferences, and group research projects. 

Nineteenth-Century Research Cluster

The Nineteenth-Century Research Cluster offers a forum for interdisciplinary research in the nineteenth century across fields as diverse as art history, history, literature, and music.