
第五講 Lecture 5

 Lecture Series   Lecture 5


講座內容 About the Lecture


The usual understanding of contemporary political thoughts often centres on the discussion of specific political texts. This lecture emphasizes that, aside from the political thoughts that we are familiar with, there had been great transformation in the mindset and attitude towards politics. This included the political visions that resulted from various loose scientific concepts.

Moderator: Professor Angela Ki Che Leung

Angela Ki Che Leung is Emeritus Professor of the University of Hong Kong and an Academician of the Academia Sinica. She obtained her PHD at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. She was a research fellow at the Academia Sinica, Taipei, from 1982-2008, Chair Professor of History at the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 2008-2010, Chair Professor of History, and Joseph Needham-Philip Mao Professor of Chinese Science and Civilization at the University of Hong Kong from 2011-2023. She has published on the history of Chinese charitable organizations, and history of medicine in China. She is currently writing a monograph on the history of Chinese soy sauce.

梁其姿教授乃香港大學榮休教授,畢業於香港大學, 在法國巴黎高等社會科學研究院取得歷史學博士。1982至2008年間任職台灣中央研究院,並於台灣大學歷史系兼任教授。2008至2010年任香港中文大學歷史系講座教授。2011-2023任香港大學講座教授(歷史)、李約瑟—毛文奇基金教授、2011-2022任香港人文社會研究所所長。2010年,梁教授獲選為中央研究院院士。主要著述包括專著《施善與教化: 明清的慈善組織》 (台北聯經出版社1997),  Leprosy in China. A History (Columbia University Press, 2009) (中譯本《麻風:一種疾病的醫療社會史》(北京商務2013);論文集:《面對疾病:傳統中國社會的醫療觀念與組織》(人民大學出版社, 2012); 《變中謀穩: 明清的啟蒙教育與施善濟貧》(上海人民出版社 2017)。編著: Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Policies and Publics in the Long 20th Century (Duke University Press, 2010, with Charlotte Furth);Gender, Health and History in Modern East Asia (Hong Kong University Press 2017, with Izumi Nakayama); Moral Foods. The Construction of Nutrition and Health in Modern Asia (University of Hawaii Press, 2019, with Melissa Caldwell).


24/5/2024 ( 五 FRI )  |  4:30 pm


CPD-3.04, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Tower,
Centennial Campus,The University of Hong Kong

按此參閱地圖 Click here for the map.

Language: Mandarin

for the lecture poster.

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合辦 Co-organised by:

 Faculty of Arts

School of Chinese