Artstation: Glenn Davidson and Anne Hayes
Artstation: Glenn Davidson and Anne Hayes
Artstation: Glenn Davidson and Anne Hayes
Anne Hayes and Glenn Davidson are co directors of Artstation, a multi-disciplinary art and technology partnership formed in 1989 and based at Chapter Art Centre in Cardiff Wales. The practice is project based through residencies and placements. Artstation is known for international architectural paper installations, exhibitions, social interventions, films, interactive media projects, architectural design and team working, socially engaged practice and practice led research. Their work has been seen across the UK, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and in many European countries.
Anne Hayes and Glenn Davidson於1989年以合作伙伴形式成立多領域藝術科技組合Artstation,工作室設於英國威爾斯的加地夫Chapter Art Centre。Artstation主要透過邀請藝術團隊駐點和提供實習職位予藝術人才作項目式合作。Artstation以國際紙質雕塑裝置、展覽、電影、互動媒體項目、建築設計與合作、實務導向研究、社會議題倡導和社群互動聞名。Artstation的作品遍及英美、加拿大、日本、澳洲和歐洲等國。
“finding future's way” Exhibition Date: November 10 - December 16, 2016 |
“Meeting Point” Open Studio Project with Artstation Date: February 13 – March 20, 2015 |