List of Awards for RGC General Research Fund (2009/10)

List of Awards for RGC General Research Fund (2009/10)

Department PI Project Title Award (HK$)
English Dr. O. Heim Pacific indigeneities and globalization: commodification, self-determination, and literary creativity 352,800
English Professor D.W.F. Kerr Conrad and Invention 409,920
Humanities (Fine Arts) Dr. A.R. Green Buddhist Narratives in Burmese and Thai Murals of the Late 17th to 19th Centuries: A Comparative Exploration 201,640
Humanities (Fine Arts) Dr. Y.W. Koon Su Renshan (1814-c.1850): Template of a Modern Artist 368,072
Humanities (History) Dr. J.C. Schencking The Great Kant Earthquake and the Political and Ideological Use of Catastrophe in Japan 505,040
Humanities (Linguistics) Dr. W.T. Siok The Biological basis of reading disability in Chinese children 1,199,340
Humanities (Linguistics) Dr. O. Zayts Language, Medicine and Culture: English as a Lingua Franca in Prenatal Genetic Counseling in Hong Kong 546,360
Humanities (Music) Professor D.K.L. Chua Beethoven and Freedom 494,160
Humanities (Philosophy) Dr. P. Hawley Meaning and use: the case of names 154,080
