Research Postgraduate - Music
Research Postgraduate - Music
Major Research Areas
Our staff engage in historical, theoretical, and anthropological research on music. We investigate classical, traditional, and popular idioms of various regions in East Asia, particularly China, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, as well as other Asian regions. Staff members also specialise in the history and philosophy of Western classical repertories; music in film and other media; opera and musical theatre; manuscript and source studies; ethnography, the psychology of music, and the sociology of music. Co-supervision across disciplines (linguistics, history, and philosophy, for instance) is not only possible but also encouraged..
Guidance in musical composition using a great variety of media, including voice, musical instruments of Western and Asian cultures, and other acoustic and electro-acoustic instruments; specialisation in computer-assisted musical creativity; exploration of various musical styles and idioms, including music theatre, and popular and commercial musics.
Presentation of seminars.
Postgraduate Admissions Advisor
Dr G. Biancorosso
Tel: 3917 5209
Fax: 2858 4933