New App Is a Vital Resource for Interpreting in English and Chinese

20 September 2017 (Wednesday)

New App Is a Vital Resource for Interpreting in English and Chinese

A new app developed by Dr Eva Ng, an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Arts’ School of Chinese, is now available to download on both iOS and Android platforms. The free app, named ‘Newssary’ – a combination of ‘news’ and ‘glossary’, builds on the extensive bilingual news and current affairs glossary of over 7,700 entries created by Dr Ng and her team as a central feature of her website ‘Resources for Interpreting’.

The ‘Newssary’ app and ‘Resources for Interpreting’ website were developed by Dr Ng in response to the lack of a regularly updated glossary in English and Chinese. Intended primarily for interpreters and translators with English and Chinese as their working languages, the bilingual glossary is also a vital resource for professionals such as bankers and lawyers, students and teachers, as well as members of the public who wish to improve their bilingual competence in Chinese and English. Key features of the user-friendly app include a fuzzy-logic search engine with input in English or Chinese, notifications of new entries, customized bookmarking and sorting preferences, and games to test users’ bilingual competence. In addition to current affairs terminology, the glossary also includes buzzwords and slang.

Dr Eva Ng holds an MA in Translation and Linguistics from the University of Birmingham and a PhD in Forensic Linguistics from Aston University, both in the United Kingdom. Prior to joining the University’s School of Chinese, she was a Court Interpreter with the Hong Kong Judiciary. She is the recipient of the Arts Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2014, and was awarded the Arts Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2016 in recognition of the impact of her research on the wider community.

Development of the app and website was supported by the HKU Knowledge Exchange Office and the HKU Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative (TELI). TELI has also produced a video introducing both resources (

Website link:

Apple Store:

Google Play:

For media enquiries or individual interview requests, please contact Ms Natalie Yip, Executive Officer, Faculty of Arts, Tel: (852) 3917 4984 / email:


由文學院中文學院助理教授吳雅珊博士研發的手機應用程式「時彙」,現已推出,iOS 及 Android 用戶可即日起於Apple Store 或 Play Store 免費下載使用。「時彙」意指「時事詞彙」,源自吳博士及其團隊兩年前建立的「傳譯資源網」,收錄過去十多年,多達七千七百多條中英雙語時事詞彙。該詞庫定期加入新詞,與時並進。







Apple Store:

Google Play:


請聯絡文學院執行主任葉小姐 (電話: 3917 4984 / 電郵: