HKU Professor of History David Pomfret Awarded the 2016 Grace Abbott Book Prize

7 September 2017 (Thursday)

HKU Professor of History David Pomfret Awarded the 2016 Grace Abbott Book Prize

HKU Professor David Pomfret has been awarded the 2016 Grace Abbott Book Prize for his book Youth and Empire: Trans-Colonial Childhoods in British and French Asia, published in 2016 by Stanford University Press. The Grace Abbott Book Prize is awarded annually by the Society for the History of Children and Youth (SHCY) to the best book published in English on the history of children, childhood, or youth.

Commenting on their decision, members of the prize committee stated that, “Youth and Empire is remarkable for its ambitious, innovative approach to youth and childhood. Its transnational scope and deft theorizing of how childhood functions (both symbolically and materially) in colonial enterprises offers rich food for thought for scholars working across the field. This study stepped into the role of what the Grace Abbott Prize winner should do: offer new and exciting directions for the field to pursue.”

Youth and Empire: Trans-Colonial Childhoods in British and French Asia was also awarded the Faculty of Arts Research Output Prize 2016.

Professor Pomfret joined the University of Hong Kong in 2001 and is currently Chair of the Department of History in the Faculty of Arts. His research specialisations are in British and French history, histories of Childhood and Youth, and the transnational and comparative history of modern Europe and its empires. He is the recipient of both the University of Hong Kong's Outstanding Young Researcher Award and Outstanding Teaching Award. In 2012, he received the University Grants Committee's Teaching Excellence Award, the highest award for teaching at tertiary level in Hong Kong.

For further details of the award, please visit:

For media enquiries or individual interview requests, please contact Ms Natalie Yip, Executive Officer, Faculty of Arts, Tel: (852) 3917 4984 / email:

香港大學歷史系龐德威教授獲頒授「2016 Grace Abbott Book Prize

2016年,香港大學歷史系龐德威教授經史丹福大學出版社出版了《Youth and Empire: Trans-Colonial Childhoods in British and French Asia》一書。憑藉這著作,龐教授獲頒授「2016 Grace Abbott Book Prize 」。每年的「Grace Abbott Book Prize」由Society for the History of Children and Youth頒授予題材有關兒童、童年或青少年歷史的最佳英文書籍。

該獎項委員會的成員表示:「《Youth and Empire》一書以進取及創新的手法探討青年及童年實在是十分出眾。作者以跨國度的視野,巧妙地以理論分析殖民主義體制中,童年的象徵概念及實際經驗。此書為其他研究相同範疇的學者提供了豐富的資源作進一步的思考,並展現了『Grace Abbott Book Prize』得獎者應擔任之角色 ─ 為研究領域的未來提供嶄新及刺激的方向。」

《Youth and Empire: Trans-Colonial Childhoods in British and French Asia》亦同時獲得香港大學文學院頒發的「2016最佳研究著作獎」。

龐德威教授於2001年加入香港大學,現為文學院歷史系教授兼系主任。他專注研究英法歷史、童年與青少年歷史及現代歐洲帝國之跨國及比較歷史。他是香港大學「傑出青年研究學者」及「傑出教學獎」之得獎者。在2012年,他獲大學教育資助委員會頒發於本港大學界別中最高榮譽的教學獎項 ─「傑出教學獎」。

有關「Grace Abbott Book Prize之詳情,請瀏覽以下網頁:


請聯絡文學院執行主任葉小姐 (電話: 3917 4984 / 電郵: