HKU Faculty of Arts Professor Daniel Chua elected as Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy

24 July 2022 (Sunday)


Prof. Daniel Chua

香港大學文學院音樂系主任兼孔慶熒梁巧玲基金明德教授 (藝文)蔡寬量教授,獲英國國家學術院(The British Academy)選為海外院士(Corresponding Fellow)。




文學院院長孔德立教授(Derek Collins)對蔡教授致以恭賀,並給予高度讚揚:「蔡寬量教授是世界知名的音樂學家。他獲選為英國國家學術院海外院士是極為重要的個人和專業榮耀。這亦證明了香港大學文學院卓越而多元化的學術成就。」

蔡寬量教授在2008年加入香港大學並領導人文學院。在此之前,他曾出任劍橋大學聖約翰學院研究主任、倫敦英皇學院音樂理論分析教授,並於2004年獲英國皇家音樂協會頒授愛德華.丹特獎章及在2018年獲選為美國音樂學學會通訊院士,現為國際音樂學協會會長。蔡教授是全球音樂學的領航者,並倡導以人文學為本,培養領導能力。他亦致力為香港大學提升文化氛圍及提供沉浸式的學習體驗,包括舉辦繆思樂季(HKU MUSE)的音樂會系列。蔡教授撰寫了四部音樂專論,探討音樂學的不同範疇,包括理論、歷史、哲學和科技。他現時正編寫第五本以音樂和喜樂為題的著作,希望在這艱難時期為大家帶來鼓舞。

吳婷 (電話︰3910 3612;電郵︰

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HKU Faculty of Arts Professor Daniel Chua elected as Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy

Professor Daniel Chua, Mr & Mrs Hung Hing-ying Professor and Chair of Music of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), has been elected as a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy.

Founded in 1902, the British Academy is the UK’s national academy for the humanities and social sciences, with a Fellowship of over 1,600 of the leading minds in these subjects from the UK and overseas.

Professor Chua is among 29 outstanding scholars elected to the Corresponding Fellowship this year. The Fellowship is the highest honour that the British Academy confers on non-UK residents in recognition of their scholarly distinction in the humanities and social sciences.

Professor Chua said, “It’s such a joy to receive international recognition from the British Academy, but I am even more delighted that this honour consolidates the global position of a university that is so close to my heart.  In this regard, I must thank my colleagues in the Music Department for honing my thinking, and for their collective leadership in shaping the study of music in Asia and across the globe.  I learn from them regularly.  It’s amazing to see how a small but exceptionally talented team of scholars can have so much impact.  When it comes to music, people in academia are listening to HKU!  And that deserves a little fanfare and, with my election to the British Academy, provides an excuse to blow our own trumpet (having taken a PCR test beforehand, of course). Toot!”.

HKU Dean of Arts Professor Derek Collins congratulated Professor Chua on his distinguished accomplishments. “Professor Daniel Chua is a world-renowned musicologist.  His election as a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy is a tremendous personal and professional honour.  It's also a testament to the scholarly excellence and diversity we celebrate in the Faculty of Arts at The University of Hong Kong,” said Professor Collins.

Before joining the University of Hong Kong in 2008 to head the School of Humanities, Professor Daniel Chua was the Director of Studies at St John’s College Cambridge, and later Professor of Music Theory and Analysis at King’s College London. He is the recipient of the 2004 Royal Musical Association’s Dent Medal.  He was elected as the Corresponding Member of the American Musicological Society in 2018.  He is currently the President of the International Musicological Society.  Professor Chua is an advocate of global musicology, and promotes the role of the humanities in leadership development.  He has sought to create a cultural ambience in HKU, particularly through the MUSE concert series, as a form of immersive learning.  He has written four monographs on music, focusing on a different aspect of musicology ­ – theory, history, philosophy, and technology.  He is currently completing a fifth book on music and joy in the hope of bringing some good cheer in these trying times.

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