HKU Faculty of Arts Professor Shares Cutting-Edge Research Findings on Graduates’ Transitions to the Post-COVID Workforce at Beijing Forum
27 January 2025 (Monday)
香港大學(港大)文學院英文學院及香港大學醫療溝通研究及影響倡議總監Olga Zayts-Spence教授最近獲邀到第三屆北京大學醫學人文國際會議分享其團隊在大中華地區進行健康傳播研究所獲得的最新成果。此會議為第二十一屆北京論壇的分論壇之一。北京論壇爲年度國際性學術界盛事,旨在促進學術界與業界之間的交流,從而促成具影響力的轉化研究。 Zayts-Spence 教授於北京論壇的「全民健康中的醫學人文」分論壇中,以「應用語言學研究具有干預性嗎?」為題演講,探討醫療溝通研究項目如何在現實世界中應用,並惠及社會各群體及有關研究範疇。她向出席者講解最近研究大學畢業生在疫情期間及之後如何過渡到職場時取得的新實證數據,再就學術研究成果如何轉化為實用資源分享嶄新見解。 Zayts-Spence 教授表示: 「我非常榮幸能夠參與北京論壇2024。我和我的團隊會繼續探究不同方法,為即將踏入職場的大學畢業生提供最強支援。我們已在《畢業生心智圖》上載一系列的電子資源,包括資訊圖表、人生規劃圖及短片等,希望能惠及學生、大學教職員甚至職場整體」她又指,團隊會將現時的研究擴展至粵港澳大灣區,並探索畢業生可追求的各種機遇。 Zayts-Spence 教授早前獲研究資助局透過協作研究金撥款超過540萬,進行有關大學畢業生及他們過渡至後疫情職場的研究。為了讓畢業生做好進入後疫情時代職場的準備,團隊以循證爲本建立網上平台《畢業生心智圖》(Graduate Mindmap), 以互動及多媒體内容,讓他們培養所需技能,並提供心理健康及情緒支援。Zayts-Spence 教授的團隊亦正設計工作坊,為大學生、大學員工及僱主提供精神健康、抗逆力、及職場技能等多方面訓練及支援。研究團隊的專家成員會與大學各單位合作,於2025年舉辦相關的工作坊和訓練課程。 如欲進一步了解《畢業生心智圖》,請瀏覽www.graduatemindmap.com。 有關Olga Zayts-Spence 教授的研究項目及香港大學醫療溝通研究及影響倡議的資料,請瀏覽https://www.hkuriich.org/。 有關北京論壇 有關北京論壇2024的詳情,請瀏覽https://www.bjf.pku.edu.cn/forum/index.php 。 傳媒垂詢,請聯繫香港大學英文學院Olga Zayts-Spence教授(電郵:zayts@hku.hk)或陳軾文先生(電郵:anguscsm@hku.hk)。 |
HKU Faculty of Arts Professor Shares Cutting-Edge Research Findings on Graduates’ Transitions to the Post-COVID Workforce at Beijing Forum |
Professor Olga Zayts-Spence, Associate Professor in the School of English of HKU Faculty of Arts and Director of HKU Research and Impact Initiative on Communication in Healthcare (HKU RIICH), shared her research team’s latest findings from her ongoing health communication research in Greater China at the 3rd Peking University International Conference on Medical Humanities. This conference is a part of the 21st Beijing Forum, an annual global academic event that aims to foster dialogue between academic and industry experts on conducting impactful and translational research. Professor Zayts-Spence’s talk — entitled “Could Applied Linguistic Research be Interventionist?” — given as part of “The Humanities in Promoting Health for All” sub-forum, discussed how health communication research projects can be used as a form of intervention for real-world impact on a population or topic of investigation. Professor Zayts-Spence drew on novel empirical data collected in her most recent research projects on graduates’ transitions to the workforce during and after the COVID-19 pandemic and provided cutting-edge insights on translating academic research findings into accessible and practical resources for stakeholders. “It is an absolute honour to be part of the Beijing Forum 2024,” said Professor Zayts-Spence. “My research team will continue to investigate a variety of approaches and resources to best support graduates as they embark on varying career paths. We have already uploaded a range of different resources, such as infographics, planning sheets and bite-size videos onto Graduate Mindmap. We hope that these resources will be useful in supporting our students, university staff and workplaces. Our team is also currently expanding our research project to the Guangdong-Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). We are extremely excited to explore the different career opportunities available to our graduates.” Professor Olga Zayts-Spence has been awarded over HK$5.4m from the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council for her projects on graduates and their transitions to the post-COVID workforce. Her research team’s ongoing work involves the development of an empirically grounded digital resource hub known as “Graduate Mindmap”. The platform contains a range of interactive and multimedia content to help graduates develop crucial skills to succeed in post-pandemic workplaces and to support their mental health and well-being. Professor Zayts-Spence and her research team are also currently developing evidence-based training workshops for students, university staff and employers on topics such as mental health, resilience, and workplace-ready skills. These workshops and trainings will be collaboratively delivered in 2025 with university units and expert members of the research team. To learn more about The Graduate Mindmap: www.graduatemindmap.com For further information about Professor Olga Zayts-Spence’s latest research projects and HKU RIICH: https://www.hkuriich.org/. About Beijing Forum To learn more details on the Beijing Forum 2024: https://www.bjf.pku.edu.cn/forum/index.php For media enquiries, please contact Professor Olga-Zayts Spence, School of English, HKU (Email: zayts@hku.hk) or Mr. Angus Chan, School of English, HKU (Email: anguscsm@hku.hk). |
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