Knowledge Exchange
UAS Video Competition
In celebration of the University’s and its own Centenary, the Faculty of Arts organized a Video Competition in 2011-2012, with a jury led by award-winning filmmakers and University Artists Mabel Cheung and Alex Law.
Each applicant was required to submit a short video of 5 to 15 minutes in duration on the theme of University life and had to ensure that the number "100" was included somewhere in the film as a reference to the University's Centenary Celebrations.
The Grand Prize and Second Prize winners were announced during the Arts Farewell to the Main Building ceremony in Loke Yew Hall on April 22, 2012.
The University Artists Scheme Video Competition was generously supported by the Daniel Chan Fund.
Grand Prize: Panasonic Full HD Camcorder
2012: Part I
Director, Scriptwriter, Cinematographer, Editor: Billy Ngan Chiu Hang
Producer: Wong Pik Fung
Cinematographers: Cheung Yu Hin
Chung Ching Hin
Assistant Cinematographer: Or Ka Yi
Production Assistants: Chan Shiu Chung
Kong Kin Wa
Cast: Bi Jia Min
Lai Yin Chik
Soo Kwan Yi
Tse Hoi Shun
Wang Mengmeng
Wong Yeeman
Comments from the jury:
This is a very thoughtful depiction of the passing of time with its focus on the year 2012. The acting is excellent, the use of camera angle and colour are interesting, and the time tunnel idea is a good one. We were very pleasantly surprised by the film’s deep reflections on student life. The issues raised by the film illuminate the theme of HKU100 in an indirect but very relevant manner.
Second Prize: Panasonic Micro Hi-Fi
Recent Memory
Director and Scriptwriter: Alexander Espeland
Scriptwriter and Main Cast: Mok Kai Hei
Comments from the jury: This is a mature piece, with interesting camera work and fun and original subtitling. It is technically very interesting and there is a good connection between the music and the pace of the film. It shows an intelligent use of quick motion and non-verbal language. |
In addition to their prizes sponsored by Panasonic/Shun Hing Group, the Grand and Second Prize winners enjoyed a half day sharing session with Mabel Cheung and Alex Law at their studio on October 5, 2012. Here are some of their thoughts:
Sharing Session with University Artists Ms Mabel Cheung and Mr Alex Law
October 5, 2012
Federation of HK Filmmakers
Grand Prize Winner
Name of the film: 2012: Part I
Director, Scriptwriter, Cinematographer, Editor: Mr Billy Ngan Chiu Hang
"Filmmaking is my dream. The path to become a filmmaker is undoubtedly challenging. In our meeting with Ms Cheung and Mr Law, they have shared their experience in their path of becoming one of the greatest directors of Hong Kong. In the cinema, we can enjoy the film in a comfortable environment and be touched by all great movies of the time. However, behind the scene, it takes much more than some great actors and some expensive equipment to work things out. With Ms Cheung and Mr Law enlightening us, I feel like I am one step closer to catch this dream."
Grand Prize Winner
Name of the film: 2012: Part I
Producer: Ms Wong Pik Fung
"This was my first time getting that close with two famous directors and producers! They showed us huge camera and editing machine used in the past, I felt like visiting a museum which fills me with ample stories behind the scenes. I can imagine if I were the crew member before new technologies developed, I, a careless and physically weak girl, would be kicked out soon by the strict requirement.
Then they shared lots of interesting experience, which inspired me so much. I thought I did not do well when being the producer of two short student movies; what was worse I did not know how to improve and thus lose self-confidence. Alex and Mabel gave me useful advice on some particular problems like cast arrangement, and used their own examples to show that even great men make mistakes, so I am going to continue working on movie!"
Second Prize Winner
Name of the film: Recent Memory
Scriptwriter and Actor: Mr Mok Kai Hei
"It was so great to meet Alex and Mabel in the tea gathering last time. I was shown the machine which was used to cut and paste the film in the old days. During the sharing, we were told that the funny story happened when they do shooting, the hardship they faced in the past. They also shared how the life of director was, how the job was, and how they cooperate and communicate with all the positions during film making. Not until we met them did we know more about the director life. This experience for me is very unique and special, “Echoes of the Rainbow” was my favorite movie, and I was so touched by watching it in the cinema two years ago, and, it’s so great that I can meet the directors who directed this movie now, how lucky I am!"
Grand Prize winner, Mr Billy Ngan Chiu Hang, also shared his story in the Spring 2013 issue of the Faculty Newsletter.