Current Students
Study Abroad
Credit Transfer
(A) |
Faculty Cap Policy on Credit Transfer to HKU Arts Major/ Minor from 2014-15 Onwards |
1. |
Up to 50% of the transferred credits to HKU can be counted towards each of the Arts major/ minor requirements. In other words, students should complete at least 50% of each of the Arts major/ minor requirements at HKU. A summary table is as follows:
2. |
Transferred credits in excess of the cap as approved by the major/ minor offering Programme(s) will be counted as free elective(s) for the undergraduate degree only. |
3. |
This Faculty Cap Policy is applicable to |
(a) |
all HKU students admitted to the 4-year curriculum in 2012-13 and thereafter, who take any Arts major/ minor; and |
(b) |
those who go on outgoing academic exchange from 2014-15 onwards. |
(B) |
Application Form for Leave of Absence due to Exchange Studies |
Students who go on exchange studies are required to apply for leave of absence for the semester(s) during which they will be away from HKU by submitting the "Application form for leave of absence" to the Faculty Office at least three weeks before their departure for exchange. Applications for leave retrospectively are normally rejected automatically and will only be considered in very exceptional circumstances. |
(C) |
Application Form for Credit Transfer |
Students are required to comply with the application procedures which require students to: |
(a) |
seek preliminary approval for credit transfer before their departure for exchange; and |
(b) |
confirm their finalized course enrollment for credit transfer during exchange. |