Current Students

Field Trips

Field trips can occur over one afternoon or last for several weeks. They provide students with exciting and engaging opportunities to put into use the knowledge acquired during their studies. During a field trip, students naturally combine work with pleasure as they engage in meaningful ways with every day realities through the lenses of their discipline. Many Arts courses have a rich tradition of organising field trips around the world, such as the U.S.A., Europe, Africa as well as Asian destinations. Some of the opportunities are listed below:

School of Chinese Field Trips

Chinese History and Culture

Course Code: CHIN2219

Course Title: Document collation, historical studies and knowledge sharing

Location: Hong Kong

Length: 2-3 hours

Period: as agreed by the supervisor and the student



Course Code: CHIN3312

Course Title: Travel writing, literature, and translation

Location: Zhejiang

Length: 40 hours

Period: as agreed by the supervisor and the student


School of Humanities Field Trips

Art History

Course code: ARTH2110

Course Title: Archaeology and digital humanities in the field 

Location: Armenia

Length: 3 weeks

Period: June / July


History: East Asia Fieldtrip

Course code: HIST4031

Location: Malaysia

Length: 1 - 2 weeks

Period: March 

History: ​Europe Fieldtrip

Course code: HIST4030

Location: various, as agreed by the supervisor and the student

Length: as agreed by the supervisor and the student

Period:  as agreed by the supervisor and the student

Linguistics Field Trip

Description: The Linguistics Field Trip course introduces students to the art and science of collecting and analysing real-life language data.

Course code: LING3003

Locations so far: Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, Nepal, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Denmark, Greece, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, and Ethiopia.

Length: 1 - 2 weeks

Periods: March, May


Link to documentary film on a past field trip:

School of Modern Languages & Cultures Field Trips

Japanese Studies: Young Leaders Tour of Japan Field Trip

Course code: JAPN2096

Locations: Tokyo, Sendai

Length: 6 days

Period: March

Korean Studies Field Trip

Course code: KORE3035

Location: various, as agreed by the supervisor and the student

Length: as agreed by the supervisor and the student

Period:  as agreed by the supervisor and the student

Global Area Studies Field Trip

Course code: GLAS2103

Location: various, as agreed by the supervisor and the student

Length: as agreed by the supervisor and the student

Period:  as agreed by the supervisor and the student

Prerequisite(s)/ Corequisite(s)/Impermissible Combination(s): Have completed GLAS2001 and one XXXX2002 language course but not for students who have completed AFRI4001 , AMER2021 , ARAB2023 , EUST2020 , ITAL3010 , SINO3004 , SPAN2031.

The above information is for reference only. For most updated details, please check with the relevant units directly.