Current Students
Research Postgraduate
Current Students: Research Postgraduate Programmes
According to the University's regulations,
- the degree of Master of Philosophy (MPhil) is awarded to a candidate who satisfactorily completes coursework, where prescribed, presents a successful thesis representing the result of the candidate’s research which should be an original contribution to knowledge and worthy of publication; and satisfies the examiners in an oral examination (and any other examination if required) in matters relevant to the subject of the thesis.
- the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is awarded to a candidate who satisfactorily completes coursework, where prescribed, presents a successful thesis representing the result of the candidate’s research which should be an original contribution to knowledge and worthy of publication, and satisfies the examiners in an oral examination (and any other examination if required) in matters relevant to the subject of the thesis.
To ensure the successful completion of your studies, it is important that you observe the University's requirements and deadlines for different stages of your candidature, from registration, course enrolment, confirmation, to thesis examination.
General Information
- The Graduate School Website
- The Graduate School Handbook (Including Mphil and PhD Degree Regulations and Procedures)
- Academic Support and Admission Sections, The Registry
Confirmation of Candidature - Guidelines on "detailed scheme of research"
- Guidelines on obtaining ethical approval of research involving human participants
Research Postgraduate Courses - Coursework Requirement
- Course Selection Procedures
- Graduate School Courses
- Departmental Courses
- Departmental Courses Opening to All RPg Students in the Faculty (2023/24)
Awards and Prizes - Louis Cha Postgraduate Research Fellowship
- Arts Faculty Grants for Joint PhD Programmes
- Graduate School Awards and Scholarships
- Checklist of Supporting Documents for Reimbursement
Theses Examination - General Procedures
- Preparing Abstracts of Theses
Final Bound Theses - The Libraries’ Website on Electronic Theses and Dissertations
- Binding Specifications for Theses/Dissertations Submitted for H.K.U. Higher Degrees
Important Information - Application for Extension of Candidature
- Application for Concurrent Registration
According to the General Regulation G6, concurrent registration by a student for another post-secondary qualification either at this University or at another institution is prohibited, unless approval of the Senate has been obtained in advance. A breach of this regulation in Hong Kong or elsewhere may result in discontinuation of studies at this University. If you would like to apply for concurrent registration, please complete the application form and return it to your School/Centre office.
Note: Some departments may have more stringent requirements and procedures for their research students. You should check with your supervisor and your department office where necessary to make sure you are on the right track.