List of Awards for RGC General Research Fund (2008/09)

List of Awards for RGC General Research Fund (2008/09)

Department PI Project Title Award (HK$)
Centre for Applied English Studies Dr. A.S.L. Lam Contemporary Asian poetry in English: The development of poets and their voices 620,000
English Professor W.D. Ashcroft Caliban's Voice: The Transformation of English in Post-colonial Literatures 514,000
English Professor C.M. Hutton The languages of race 1789-1945: a historical-comparative analysis of racial classification 356,000
English Dr. J.C. Kuehn The Female Exotic: Sensationalism, Empire and Gender in Women's Writing 1880-1920 465,000
Humanities (Linguistics) Dr. A.B. Bodomo The Grammatical Structure of Zhuang: An Investigation into the Language and Culture of a Minority Group of South-Western China 988,718
Humanities (Fine Arts) Professor D.J. Clarke MODERN ART AND WATER 547,678
Humanities (History) Professor F. Dikotter A Social History of the Great Famine in China, 1959-61 659,000
Humanities (Comparative Literature) Dr. D.F. Vukovich Sinological-Orientalism 603,966
Humanities (Linguistics) Dr. C.L. Yang The Cognitive Mechanisms and Functional Neuroanatomy for the Processing of Sentences with Head-final Relative Constructions 465,000
Modern Languages & Cultures (Japanese Studies) Dr. Y. Nakano Presenting Japan to the World, 1953-1970: "Self-Orientalism" as an Interactive Process 387,500
Modern Languages & Cultures (American Studies) Dr. P. Swirski Educating John Doe: Literature, Politics, Justice 271,250
