HKU Students Join Young Leaders Tour of Japan to Learn about Reconstruction Efforts and Disaster Preparedness Following the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami

3 April 2018 (Tuesday)

HKU Students Join Young Leaders Tour of Japan to Learn about Reconstruction Efforts and Disaster Preparedness Following the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami

An experiential learning opportunity led by the HKU Department of Japanese Studies saw ten students travel to Japan’s Miyagi Prefecture in March 2018 to witness the devastation caused by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and ongoing efforts to rebuild the area. The seven-day Young Leaders Tour of Japan was initiated by Dr Janet Borland with the aim of encouraging students as future leaders to think about global issues such as natural disaster recovery, disaster preparedness and corporate social responsibility. Following the success of the inaugural tour last year, the 2018 tour was once again supported by Mitsubishi Corporation.

The Young Leaders Tour involved visits to several revitalization projects in Miyagi, including MORIUMIUS, a residential eco-activity centre for children located in the town of Ogatsu which was deeply affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Opened in 2015 in a renovated primary school building, MORIUMIUS promotes the importance of sustainability and provides a model for regional revitalization in Japan. Students also spent time at the Akiu Winery established by an architect who gave up his career following the earthquake to open Miyagi’s only winery as a means of revitalizing the community and bringing more tourists to the area, as well as at the GRA Strawberry Farm which uses sophisticated technology to cultivate premium fruit and exports to places including Hong Kong. In Tokyo, students visited the Ikebukuro Life Safety Learning Center to learn about earthquake and fire safety, as well as first aid. In addition, students visited Mitsubishi Corporation’s offices in Sendai and Tokyo to learn about its involvement in reconstruction efforts in Miyagi and its corporate social responsibility initiatives, particularly in the area of sustainability.

Students will share their learning experiences in a special photo exhibition throughout the month of April at HKU. Members of the media are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition. Details are as follows:

Date: April 4, 2018 (Wednesday)

Time: 6.30-8.00pm


Room 4.36, 4th Floor, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus (Ceremony at 6.30pm)

Ground Floor Gallery, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus (Reception at 7.00pm)

The Young Leaders Tour of Japan Photo Exhibition is part of a series of events held in conjunction with Japan Month at HKU 2018. Other activities include a violin performance in the University Museum and Art Gallery and Japanese Studies student performances. For details, please visit

For media enquiries or individual interview requests, please contact Ms Angela Chau, Executive Assistant, Faculty of Arts, Tel: (852) 3917 4633 / email:


At MORIUMIUS, children from Ogatsu Primary School shared stories and photos with HKU students in a special presentation which showcased the natural beauty of their hometown in Miyagi.


Dr Janet Borland (right), Assistant Professor Department of Japanese Studies, Dr Maki Wan (second from right), ‎Deputy General Manager of Planning and Business Development for Mitsubishi Corporation Hong Kong Limited, and the ten students participating in the Young Leaders Tour of Japan visited the Ikebukuro Life Safety Learning Center in Tokyo.



「若手リーダー日本交流プログラム」では、石巻市の震災復興プロジェクトに関わる施設を見学しました。モリウミアス は、震災で甚大な被害を受けた雄勝町にある子供たちのための複合エコ体験施設です。廃校になっていた小学校を改修し、サステナビリティ(持続可能性)という理念に基づいて2015年にオープンして以来、日本における地域再生の一つのモデルとなっています。また秋保市の秋保ワイナリーは、震災後地域復興のために何かできることはないかという思いに駆られた建築士がオーナーに転身して立ち上げました。訪れた学生たちは、宮城県唯一のワインの生産者として、地域振興と観光活性化を目指す構想に耳を傾けました。また、農業生産法人GRAでは、先端イチゴ農場を見学しました。収穫されたイチゴは、高級品として香港へも輸出されています。東京では、池袋防災館にて、地震と火事などの防災救助の体験ツアーに参加しました。





Room 4.36, 4th Floor, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus (18:30にオープニング)

Ground Floor Gallery, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus (19:00にレセプション)

「若手リーダー日本交流プログラム」写真展は、香港大ジャパンマンス 2018の一環として行われます。本年度はこの他に、香港大学美術博物館でのバイオリンのコンサートや学生が日本語で行う発表会が催されます。詳しくは をご覧ください。


Ms Angela Chau, Executive Assistant, Faculty of Arts, Tel: (852) 3917 4633 / email:


繼去年首次由三菱商事贊助的青年領袖交流團成功舉辦後,在2018年3月,香港大學 (港大) 日本研究學系與三菱商事再次合辦了日本宮城縣交流之旅,共10名港大同學參加了這次特別的學習旅程,親身見證了2011年東日本大地震對該區帶來的嚴重破壞和持續的災後重建工作。是次為期7天的青年領袖交流團由日本研究課程統籌主任兼助理教授鮑蘭雅博士 (Dr Janet Borland) 帶領,目的是鼓勵這些未來的社會領袖思考自然災害發生後的復原重建工作、防災教育及企業社會責任等全球性議題。

青年領袖交流團參觀了多個位於宮城縣的重建項目工程,包括一座位於石卷市雄勝町,名叫MORIUMIUS的綜合生態體驗設施。自2015年成立以來,由小學校舍改建而成的MORIUMIUS,致力推廣可持續發展的概念,並成為日本災後地區活化和重建的模範。同學亦到訪了仙台秋保釀造所,了解創辦人不惜放棄事業,為宮城縣重建唯一的釀酒廠,並藉以幫助當地社區復甦和促進旅遊的理念。交流團還參觀了GRA 士多啤梨農場,認識他們如何以農業科技培植高品質的水果出口至世界各地,包括香港。同學在東京的池袋防災館,親身學習有關地震、火災及急救的知識。交流團亦拜訪了三菱商事的仙台支社和位於東京的總部,了解他們為日本東北地區災後重建工作所付出的努力及成果,及其他在可持續發展方面的企業社會責任項目。


日期:2018年4月4日 (星期三)


地點:香港大學百周年校園逸夫教學樓4樓436室 (典禮將於下午6時30分開始)

            香港大學百周年校園逸夫教學樓地下藝術走廊 (招待會將於晚上7時開始)

青年領袖交流團相片展覽為2018年香港大學日本之月一系列活動的一部分。 其他活動包括於香港大學美術博物館舉辦的小提琴演奏會和日本研究學系學生表演。詳情請瀏覽以下網頁:


請聯絡文學院執行助理仇小姐 (電話: 3917 4633 / 電郵: